The Daily 01/01/17;




Happy New Year Everyone!  – Can you believe it 2017, and  Gloria is up to no good this morning (of course this is very much unusual)  I have been up since dawn trying to make excuses for myself, yes Gloria did it, foot in mouth and I  committed to do a Polar Bear Swim in 2 hours, I am sure google earth, and all the major satellites are already positioning to take in this major event!!!
I think if Gloria can do this then there is nothing that we cannot do in 2017,  it may be difficult right now but remember it is only difficult because we have not tried, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!
“Just Try”  (ps that was my pep talk)
You should be careful Gloria, polar bears are very, very dangerous!
Look here, it is the rarely seen but famous Elvis polar bear…
Look at his adoring fan. It is nice he like to give back to the community, taking fan photos and such. I wonder how much an autographed pic sells for on Ebay these days? I heard that a lost camera was found on the beach after everyone finished the polar bear swim you went to Gloria. If anyone knows the bear in this photo please contact him and let him know we have the camera!
And I found a bear to interview about your polar bear swim Gloria! I asked him what he thought about your hot little bikini number, and this is what he had to say:
He asked for your number Gloria, and I said “Don’t be silly! Polar bears can’t text!” I then let him know that cougars and polar bears don’t mix, different climates and all. He said “Good one!” and we high fived!
Ok, so his vision is bad and that is not actually me in the picture. He high fived the guy behind me and you can see the bear lost some of his fur on the guy’s face. We all laughed and laughed. Except this man. It was less of a high five and more of a slap across the head.
All in all, after all was said and done, it is true the polar bear swim 2017 was a ROARING success! (groan)


I must admit, I had my doubts you would pull this off, but I am BEARY glad you did it Gloria! Way to go, cougar power! -Toodles

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